For more information contact, Alan Stocker (Health Practice Lead) at or the marketing team at

Download the Connected Health Solutions Brief and the Versity in Healthcare Brief

Discussion Topics.
What has driven the need for clinical work devices in care units?
Addressing the challenges of infection control in the era of COVID-19.
How COVID-19 has changed hospital communications and the use of technology to maintain social distancing?
Use cases for clinical work devices in Critical Care: Voice, EMR, Messaging and applications.
How staff have responded to clinical work devices?
What were the business requirements and what was the evaluation process for the right solution?

Sarah Worboys: Digital Patient Flow Program Manager, ACT Health
Emma McDonald: Senior Project Manager, ACT Health
Sean O’Donnell: Project Manager (EMR), Royal Melbourne Hospital
Bill Foster: Director – Healthcare Business Development, Spectralink

Alan Stocker – Health Practice Lead, Wavelink