Fortinet Reseller Agreement

Why does the reseller have no ability to bind Wavelink to agreements, warranties or representations with or to a third party? (clause 3.1)

The Reseller may enter into sales agreements/contracts with third parties (customers) to sell the Products to customers. Wavelink are not a party to these agreements/contracts and are not contractually bound to such [...]

Why does the reseller have no ability to bind Wavelink to agreements, warranties or representations with or to a third party? (clause 3.1)2021-06-15T11:43:42+10:00

What are third party licence agreements and why do resellers need to be bound by them? (clause 6)

If Wavelink supplies Products that contain third party software that has its own applicable licence agreements/terms and conditions (ie Microsoft programs will have their own licence agreement), the Reseller (and in turn its customers) must agree to be bound [...]

What are third party licence agreements and why do resellers need to be bound by them? (clause 6)2021-06-15T11:44:18+10:00

Why are indemnities required? (clause 14)

Wavelink are not responsible for the actions or omissions of the Reseller (or vice versa). If there are not appropriate indemnity clauses, either party could be unfairly held responsible for losses that [...]

Why are indemnities required? (clause 14)2021-06-15T11:45:22+10:00

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